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An easy way to filter out spam is to use SpamOracle. SpamOracle is an statistical mail filtering tool written by Xavier Leroy and needs to be installed separately.

There are several ways to use SpamOracle with Gnus. In all cases, your mail is piped through SpamOracle in its mark mode. SpamOracle will then enter an `X-Spam' header indicating whether it regards the mail as a spam mail or not.

One possibility is to run SpamOracle as a :prescript from the See section Mail Source Specifiers, (see section 8.18.3 SpamAssassin, Vipul's Razor, DCC, etc). This method has the advantage that the user can see the X-Spam headers.

The easiest method is to make `spam.el' (see section 8.18.5 Filtering Spam Using The Spam ELisp Package) call SpamOracle.

To enable SpamOracle usage by `spam.el', set the variable spam-use-spamoracle to t and configure the nnmail-split-fancy or nnimap-split-fancy as described in the section See section 8.18.5 Filtering Spam Using The Spam ELisp Package. In this example the `INBOX' of an nnimap server is filtered using SpamOracle. Mails recognized as spam mails will be moved to spam-split-group, `Junk' in this case. Ham messages stay in `INBOX':

(setq spam-use-spamoracle t
      spam-split-group "Junk"
      nnimap-split-inbox '("INBOX")
      nnimap-split-rule 'nnimap-split-fancy
      nnimap-split-fancy '(| (: spam-split) "INBOX"))

Variable: spam-use-spamoracle
Set to t if you want Gnus to enable spam filtering using SpamOracle.

Variable: spam-spamoracle-binary
Gnus uses the SpamOracle binary called `spamoracle' found in the user's PATH. Using the variable spam-spamoracle-binary, this can be customized.

Variable: spam-spamoracle-database
By default, SpamOracle uses the file `~/.spamoracle.db' as a database to store its analyses. This is controlled by the variable spam-spamoracle-database which defaults to nil. That means the default SpamOracle database will be used. In case you want your database to live somewhere special, set spam-spamoracle-database to this path.

SpamOracle employs a statistical algorithm to determine whether a message is spam or ham. In order to get good results, meaning few false hits or misses, SpamOracle needs training. SpamOracle learns the characteristics of your spam mails. Using the add mode (training mode) one has to feed good (ham) and spam mails to SpamOracle. This can be done by pressing | in the Summary buffer and pipe the mail to a SpamOracle process or using `spam.el''s spam- and ham-processors, which is much more convenient. For a detailed description of spam- and ham-processors, See section 8.18.5 Filtering Spam Using The Spam ELisp Package.

Variable: gnus-group-spam-exit-processor-spamoracle
Add this symbol to a group's spam-process parameter by customizing the group parameter or the gnus-spam-process-newsgroups variable. When this symbol is added to a group's spam-process parameter, spam-marked articles will be sent to SpamOracle as spam samples.

Variable: gnus-group-ham-exit-processor-spamoracle
Add this symbol to a group's spam-process parameter by customizing the group parameter or the gnus-spam-process-newsgroups variable. When this symbol is added to a grup's spam-process parameter, the ham-marked articles in ham groups will be sent to the SpamOracle as samples of ham messages. Note that this ham processor has no effect in spam or unclassified groups.

Example: These are the Group Parameters of an group that has been classified as a ham group, meaning that it should only contain ham messages.
 ((spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-ham)
For this group the gnus-group-spam-exit-processor-spamoracle is installed. If the group contains spam message (e.g. because SpamOracle has not had enough sample messages yet) and the user marks some messages as spam messages, these messages will be processed by gnus-group-spam-exit-processor-spamoracle. This processor sends the messages to SpamOracle as new samples for spam.

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