As Reported by Selected California Agencies
January through September, 1996 and 1997
Crime As Reported by Selected California Agencies, January through September, 1996 and 1997, is a special statistical report based on preliminary crime data for the first nine months of 1997 compared to the same period in 1996. Comparisons are based on percent change in number. The data table displays the total number of crimes reported by 68 agencies. These agencies were selected because they serve populations of 100,000 or more and because preliminary data were available for the first nine months of 1997 as of December 26, 1997.
The CALIFORNIA CRIME INDEX (CCI) offenses are homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. During the first nine months of 1997, the number of reported offenses dropped 7.4 percent when compared with the same period in 1996.
January through September, 1996 and 1997
January through September
Percent change
Crimes 1996 1997 in number
California Crime Index 387,270 358,517 -7.4
Violent crime 142,395 132,539 -6.9
Homicide 1,602 1,353 -15.5
Forcible rape 4,880 4,863 -.3
Robbery 50,735 43,608 -14.0
Aggravated assault 85,178 82,715 -2.9
Property crime 244,875 225,978 -7.7
Burglary 135,432 125,252 -7.5
Motor vehicle theft 109,443 100,726 -8.0
Notes: 1997 data are preliminary and subject to change.
The 68 selected agencies accounted for 56.4 percent of the 1996 population
and 61.8 percent of the 1996 California Crime Index.
Full-year preliminary data for agencies which serve populations of
100,000 or more will be available March 1998.
When the first nine months of 1997 were compared to the same period in 1996:
- California Crime Index crimes decreased 7.4 percent in number.
- Violent crimes decreased 6.9 percent in number.
- Property crimes decreased 7.7 percent in number.
January through September, 1996 and 1997
The following table contains preliminary counts of crimes for the first nine months of 1997 compared to the same period in 1996. The table includes data for 68 selected California agencies serving populations of 100,000 or more.
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